Sunday, January 3, 2016

Freedom or Slavery

Armies Both Defend And Destroy Freedom

To wage war does not mean one battle; it means to fight many battles
and to be successful. An army under inspiration could win one battle;an
army under good leadership could win several; but to win dozens of
battles, to keep maneuvering , to keep fighting over a period of time
and to keep winning requires the utmost from the men in any military
organization. In war there is always an army defending freedom, and 
there is an army seeking to destroy freedom. Whichever army wins will
determine the difference between freedom and slavery for that nation. 
"Delight thy self also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
Psalm 37:4

Father, Author and Giver of life, to believe in You is to accept life with
all its potential and hope and happiness.
In Christ name I pray

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