Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Find The Time To Give

3 and 4
The fact that titing has nothing to do with giving can be seen
from the Hebrew of Malachi 3:8--10. Tithes were brought into the
 treasury (literally)-- not the "storehouse", and Not the church!
Tithing was taxation; giving was over and above tithing!

(4) The Time and Norm for Giving. In 1Corinthians 16:2, we
find the time for giving to be the first day of the week at 
assembly worship. The norm:  "As God has prospered!"

"At the voice of thy cry; when He shall hear it, He will answer thee."
Isaiah 30:19

O God, help us to remember that we can depend on Your Word.
What You have spoken will come to pass.
In Christ name I pray

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