"Remember the Lord " in time of war, and remember the Lord of
Host is "great and terrible." The word 'terrible" means "a mighty
warrior." Remember that the Lord is a mighty Warrior! Nehemiah
was telling them to use the faith-rest technique, in view of divine
essence! Remember 1 Samuel 17:47, "The battle is the Lord's" ;
remember 2 Chronicles 20:15, "Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be
not afraid, nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the
battle is not yours, but God's". You have Bible doctrine---use it!
"Remember the Lord, who is a great and a mighty Warrior."
" I am the door : by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved
and shall go in and out, and find pasture"
John 10:9
Lord, thank You for canceling my sentence of death.
In Christ name I pray
Amen! and Amen! Thanks for sharing!