Saturday, December 19, 2015


3 Enemy Activity
"Neh. 4:8)  "All of them" is the subject of this sentence, so it should read
"And all of them conspired together---" Here is the principle: conspiracy
means antagonism; conspiracy means murder; conspiracy means to neutralize,
to  enslave, to practice tyranny. They all had the same objective: never permit
the Jews to get on their feet militarily! The walls of Jerusalem meant military
stability in Jerusalem. No walls--no defense!
There are several conspiracies against the United States of America today.
That verse demonstrates the necessity of national defense! It also reveals 
the fact that our enemies will not like it! But since when!!! do we operate 
on the basis of whether or not our enemies like it? 
"He that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God,
and he shall be My son."
Revelation 21:7
Burn through me, O fire of God, and cleanse me of all dross.
In Christ name I pray

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