Saturday, July 25, 2015


No matter how sincere man's attempts may be to make this a
 better world, he will fail. This is Satan's world,  and no created
being, not even the genius of Satan, has the sovereignty,
omniscience, or omnipotence to bring about a perfect society.
He is incapable of pulling the peoples of the world together
and ruling them under internationalism.
(Gen. 11:1-4, Gen 11:8) 
We have a lot of Ism's today, can you name some of the world ism's?
"Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones
a cup of cold water----he shall in no wise lose his reward."
Matthew 10:42

Dear God, today I want to share the gifts of Your love and
happiness with one who has less chance then I of finding them.
In Christ name I pray

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