Friday, June 19, 2015


According to the Doctrine of Common Grace, the Holy Spirit
has been convicting unbelievers since the beginning of time in
regard to the Gospel: "of sin...of righteousness...of judgment"
John 16:8-11.
The sin is rejection of Christ, "because they believe not on me"; "righteousness"
is the imputation of divine righteousness to those who believe in Him (Rom. 4:5);
and judgment will be meted out to those who reject Him. Those who refuse to
accept Christ's work on their behalf stand on their own merit, and their works
not their sins (Rev. 20:11-15.)
"In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me."
Psalm 86:7
Help me, Lord to act with your love in the seemingly impossible situations
of life.
In Christ name I pray.

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