2. In Hebrews 2, we are told that Jesus was made perfect by the Father through: (a) Sufferings; (b) obedience; or (c) the Spirit.
3. Fill in the blanks: "For the word of God is --------- and --------, and sharper then any ---------
--------, piercing even to the division of --------- and --------, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the --------- and --------- of the heart."
1. (a) " Propitiation" (Heb. 2:17). To make propitiation is to appease the wrath of God against sin and the sinner.
2. (a) Sufferings (Heb. 2: 10 ). Suffering is noted as being a purifying agent for the Christian
(1 Pet. 4:1)
3. "Living...powerful...two-edged sword...soul...spirit...thoughts...intents" (Heb.4:12).
Hi Patsy, Good questions tonight.
ReplyDeleteWe are cool/windy tonight. I will have to put a light blanket on the bed this evening.