Friday, April 25, 2014


1. Multiple choice: According to Colossians 3, husbands are to love their  wives and not be (a) Angry; (b) hateful; or (c) bitter toward them.

2. According to Colossians 3, what is to rule in our hearts? (a) The peace of God; (b) the word of God; or (c) the Son of God.

3. True or false? Paul gives instruction concerning the relationship of husbands and wives in his letter to the Colossians.

1. (c) Bitter (Col. 3:19).
2. (a) The peace of God (Col. 3:15).
3. True (Col. 3:18,19). In Colossians, the instruction is brief. In a parallel passage in Ephesians
5:22-33, a fuller discussion of this relationship is presented.


  1. I did well on the questions.

    Went by the house today. The cabinets have been installed, all the doors hung and the wood trim has been installed plus the driveway paved. Painting the interior, and flooring plus sod for the yard are about all that is left.

    You two have a good night.

  2. I also did well on the questions, thanks for sharing.
    Blessings, Sue
