Monday, April 21, 2014


1. Multiple choice: Paul told the Philippians how they should view one another. How were they to esteem one another? (a) Inferior to themselves; (b) equal to themselves; or (c) better then themselves.

2. What are the Philippians to "work out...with fear and trembling"? (a) Their differences; (b) their problems; or (c) their salvation.

3. Fill in the blanks: Paul stated the desire of his life in Philippians 3. He said,  "That I may know Him and the --------- of His resurrection, and the --------- of His sufferings, being conformed to His death."

1. (c) Better than themselves (Phil.2:3).
2. (c) Their salvation (Phil.2:12).
3. "Power...fellowship" (Phil. 3:10 ) To know the fellowship of Christ's sufferings means to share in them.
(Paul did suffered  stoning  and  death in teaching Christ.)
Thank you Father we do not suffer this (Yet) in America 

1 comment:

  1. Great post today.
    We enjoyed a beautiful Monday but rain is expected tomorrow. Hope you will have a good week.
