Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Epistles- Instruction

1. Fill in the blank: Paul spoke of ministry in terms of planting a field. He concluded that neither the one who planted nor the one who watered was anything, but it was God who gave the ---------- .

2. Paul instructs the Corinthians as to the importance of how they live. He asks, "Do you not know that you are the --------- of God and that the ---------- of God dwells in you?"

3. Believers are able to speak the wisdom of God because it has  been revealed to them through the Spirit who "searches all things, yes, the ---------- things of God."

1. Increase (1Cor. 3:5,6).
2. "Temple...Spirit" (1Cor.3:16). The believer's body is God's temple.
3. "Deep" (1Cor.2:10).


  1. Great questions tonight. Hope you two have a good evening.

  2. Excellent lessons to be treasured in our hearts to please God. ~:)
