Saturday, January 11, 2014


1. Multiple choice: Following Saul's conversion and subsequent blindness, a man named Ananias came to him and laid hands on Saul. At this time Saul regained  his sight. What else happened to Saul
at this time? (a) He was filled with the Holy Spirit; (b) he became an apostle; or (c) he spoke with tongues.

2. How long did Paul live in his own rented house in Rome? (a) One year; (b) two years; or (c) three years.

3. Cornelius was the first gentile convert. However, he was already a godly man. His godliness was shown by two things that characterized his  life. One thing was prayer. What was the other? (a) Bible study; (b) witnessing; or (c) giving.

1. (a) He was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17).
2. (b) Two years (Acts 28:30). Even though Paul was under Roman arrest, he had great freedom to speak to anyone who came to him (v.v. 30,31).
3. (c) Giving (Acts 10:1,2).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patsy, Hope you both enjoyed the day. We had severe weather this a.m. but it did clear up before sunset.
