at this time? (a) He was filled with the Holy Spirit; (b) he became an apostle; or (c) he spoke with tongues.
2. How long did Paul live in his own rented house in Rome? (a) One year; (b) two years; or (c) three years.
3. Cornelius was the first gentile convert. However, he was already a godly man. His godliness was shown by two things that characterized his life. One thing was prayer. What was the other? (a) Bible study; (b) witnessing; or (c) giving.
1. (a) He was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:17).
2. (b) Two years (Acts 28:30). Even though Paul was under Roman arrest, he had great freedom to speak to anyone who came to him (v.v. 30,31).
3. (c) Giving (Acts 10:1,2).
Hi Patsy, Hope you both enjoyed the day. We had severe weather this a.m. but it did clear up before sunset.