Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Beginning

Forgetting all my doubting's, which dimmed faith's vision bright,
Forgetting all the earth-clouds, the darkness, gloom and night,
Remembering God's bright sunshine, and radiance of His face,
Remembering His long patience, I praise my God for His grace.

Forgetting all unkindness which friends and foes have shown,
Forgetting and forgiving the wrongs that I have known,
Remembering God provided, unsought, each faithful friend,
Remembering love's devotion, I'll praise Him to the end.

Forgetting my repining's when disappointments come,
Forgetting all the murmurings, which filled my soul with shame,
Remembering God was ever true to His Holy Word,
Remembering He  was faithful, I praise my sovereign Lord.

Thou shalt remember all the way which the lord thy God led thee (Deut. 8:2).

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