Sunday, December 8, 2013


1. Multiple choice: What happened immediately before Paul's sermon in the synagogue service at Pisidian Antioch? (a) Prayer; (b) taking an offering; (c) reading of Scripture.

2. Fill in the blank: According to Paul, John preached the baptism of ----------- to all the people of Israel.

3. As Paul is showing the Jews in Pisidian Antioch that Jesus is the Christ, he quotes Psalm 2:7 which reads: "You are My -----------, Today  I have ---------- You."

1. (c) Reading of Scripture (Acts13:15,16).
2. Repentance (Acts 13:24). As John baptized, he commanded that the people repent of their sins and be ready to receive the Messiah, who was coming.
3. "Son...begotten" (Acts 13:33). Many of the Jews accepted this passage as referring to Messiah.

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