Sunday, November 24, 2013


Renovate your thinking by learning the Word of God
1. Multiple choice: How did the Jewish leaders react to Peter's and John's healing of the lame man?
(a) They asked them to do more miracles; (b) they didn't believe the healing was a real miracle; or (c) they told them they could not speak or teach in the name of Jesus any more.
2. Barnabas  is first  mentioned in Acts for a specific act he did.  What was that act? (a) Preached  a gospel message; (b) brought money and laid it at the apostles' feet; or (c) helped build the first church building.
3. True or false? When it became known that certain widows were being neglected in the church's daily distribution of food, the apostles began to distribute food as well as to teach.
1. (c) They told them they could not speak or teach in the name of Jesus any more (Acts 4:18).
2. (b) Brought money and laid it at the apostles' feet (Acts 4:36,37). The money came as a result of the sale of some land that Barnabas had owned.
3. False. They had the congregation choose seven spiritual men that they could appoint to distribute food (Acts 6:1-3).

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