Friday, November 22, 2013


1. Multiple choice: The day that the Holy Spirit came in a special way on the apostles in Jerusalem was a feast day for the Jews. What was the name of the feast? (a) Passover; (b) Pentecost; or (c) Tabernacles.

2. What effect did Peter's sermon in Acts 2 have on the listening Jews? (a) They were angry at Peter; (b) they didn't believe his message; or (c) they were greatly convicted in their hearts.

3. What miraculous event made it possible for Peter  to preach his second sermon recorded in Acts 3?
(a) All the apostles speaking in tongues; (b) the healing of the man born blind; or (c) the healing of the man born lame.

1. (b) Pentecost (Acts 2:1). If possible, all Jewish men were to attend all three feasts in Jerusalem.
2. (c)They were greatly convicted in their hearts (Acts 2:37).
3. (c) The healing of the man born lame (Acts 3:12-26).

1 comment:

  1. Good Evening, Patsy. Looks like it will be a cold weekend. Hope you and Bennie have a restful evening.
