Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Acts of the Apostles

1. Multiple choice: Who taught daily in the school of Tyrannus for two years? (a) Peter; (b) Paul; or
  (c) Timothy.

2. Through what man did God work unusual miracles in Ephesus so that even handkerchiefs and aprons brought from him were instrumental in healing diseases? (a) John; (b) Luke; or (c) Paul.

3. What was the name of the Jewish chief priest in Ephesus who had seven sons who tried an unsuccessful exorcism? (a) Abraham; (b) Jacob; or (c) Sceva.

1. (b) Paul (Acts 19:6,9,10). It was through this ministry that many went out and spread the Word of God all over Asia.
2. (c) Paul  (Acts 19:11,12). Paul's ministry in Ephesus lasted longer then at any other city on his missionary tours, continuing for over two years.
3. (c) Sceva (Acts 19: 13-16). To say that Sceva was a chief priest probably indicates that he was of one of the senior priestly families.

1 comment:

  1. I got 2 out of 3 today right.

    Yesterday I met an old college girlfriend for lunch for her birthday. It was very nice weather to be out. Hope you are having a nice week.
