Tuesday, September 24, 2013


1. Multiple choice: What did Pilate tell the Jews to do with Jesus  when they brought Him to him? (a) Let Him go; (b) take Him and kill Him; or (c) take Him and judge Him according to their Law.

2. True or false? When the high priest asked Jesus about His doctrine, Jesus told him that he would do better to ask those who had heard Him about His teachings.

3. Fill in the blank: When the high priest asked Jesus about His doctrine, He answered, "I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet, and in ---------- I have said nothing."

1. (c) Take Him and judge Him according to their Law (John18:31). Pilate realized that the issue was essentially religious rather then civil. He  did not want to be involved in spiritual disputes.
2. True (John 18:21).
3."Secret" (John 18:20). 


  1. Thanks for tonight's post, Patsy.

    Tree cutters are coming early in the a.m. I'm sure the cats will be afraid of all the noise!!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing, patsy, only one right today.
