Monday, August 26, 2013


1. Fill in the blanks: Jesus said,  "He who is faithful in what is ----------- is faithful  also in ----------,"

2. In Jesus' parable  of the unjust steward, the master commended the unjust  steward because "the sons of this world are more ---------- in their generation than the sons of -----------."

3. In the parable, the prodigal planned to say, "Father, I have sinned against  ---------- and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your  ----------."

1. "Least...much" (Luke 16:10) God desires to see faithfulness in what one is capable of before He expands responsibility.
2. "Shrewd...light" (Luke 16:8). The steward was commended  for inventiveness in using money. His  immorality is not admired.
3. Heaven... son" (Luke 15:18,19).

I will be out far a few days.

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