Saturday, April 6, 2013


1. Fill in the blank: Jesus told the disciples, "The time is coming that whoever -------- you will think that he offers God service."

2. Multiple choice: To what did Jesus compare the disciples' sorrow at His death and joy at His resurrection? (a) Pain in work and joy in rest; (b) sorrow in separation and joy in reunion; or (c) a woman's sorrow in labor and joy in childbirth.

3. Fill in the blank: "But when the -------- comes... the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me."
1. "Kills" (John 16:2).
2. (c) A woman's sorrow in labor and joy in chilbrith (John 16:21). His point was that the disciple' joy after  the Resurrection would crase their sorrow caused by His death even as the joy of birth erases the sorrow of labor.
3. "Helper" (John 15:26).

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