Tuesday, April 2, 2013


1. Multiple choice: What did Pilate do with Jesus after the Jews asked for Barabbas's release? (a) Turned Him over to the Jews; (b) had Him thrown in prison; or (c) had Him scourged.

2. Fill in the blank: When Pilate finished questioning Jesus about who He claimed to be, he reported to the Jews, "I find no ------ in Him at all."

3. Question: What happened immediately after Peter denied for the third time that he was one of Jesus' disciples?

1. (c) Had Him scourged (John 19:1).
2. "Fault" (John 18:38). Pilate said this three times (18:38); (19:4,6).
3. A rooster crowed (John 12:27). This fulfilled Jesus' prediction. "The rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times" (13:38).

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