Wednesday, March 13, 2013


1. Multiple choice: While the Pharisees neglected their love of God, what did Jesus say they did love? (a) The best synagogue seats and public greetings; (b) leaven; or (c) stoning women caught in adultery.

2. What group of people did Jesus say took away the key of knowledge and prevented people from entering the knowledge of God? (a) Lawyers; (b) scribes; or (c) Pharisees.

3. How did the older brother express his displeasure that his father had welcomed his prodigal brother home with a party? (a) He refused to go to the party; (b) he took his inheritance and left; or (c) he struck his brother.

1. (a) The best synagogue seats and public greetings (Luke 11:43)
2. (a) Lawyers (Luke 11:52).
3. (a) He refused to go to the party (Luke 15:28).

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