Sunday, March 10, 2013


1. Fill in the blanks: The Pharisee was shocked when Jesus let the woman anoint His feet. He thought,  "This man, if He were a -------, would know who ... this  is who is touching Him, for she is a

2. Multiple choice: How old was Jairus's daughter when Jesus healed her? (a) Three years old; (b) twelve years old; or (c) twenty years old.

3. Besides Peter, James, and John, who entered with Jesus and saw the healing of Jairus's daughter?
(a) The chief priests; (b) John the Baptist; or (c) the girl's parents.

1." Prophet...sinner" (Luke 7:39).
2. (b) Twelve years old (Luke 8:42).
3. (c) The girl's parents (Luke 8:51).

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