Saturday, February 23, 2013


1. Multiple choice: Jesus applied a prophecy from Isaiah to the scribes and Pharisees. What did Isaiah
say they taught as doctrines?  (a) "Idolatry"; (b) "the commandments of men"; or (c) "hypocrisy."

2. Question: When Peter walked on the water to Jesus and began to sink, what did he cry out?

3. Multiple choice: What did Jesus do in the fourth watch of the night when the disciples were in the midst of the sea and distressed by the wind and waves? (a) He calmed the storm; (b) He walked on the water; or (c) He rebuked their lack of faith.

1.(b) "The commandments of men" ( Matt. 15:9)  In this way, the Pharisees and scribes honor God with their lips while their hearts were far from him (v. 8).
2. "Lord, save me!"  (Matt. 14:30).
3. (b) He walked on the water (Matt. 14:24, 25). This was between 3:00 A.M. and 6:00A.M.

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