Wednesday, February 20, 2013


1. Multiple choice: What did Jesus say to the man with the withered hand when He healed him?
(a) "Talitha, cumi"; (b) "Be it to you according to your faith", or (c) "Stretch  out your hand."

2. Who was Jesus healing when He asked, "Of  how much more value then is a man than a sheep?"
(a) A man with a withered hand; (b) a leper; or (c) the woman with the flow of blood.

3. When Jesus healed the man with the withered hand, the Pharisees asked Him, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?" Why did they ask that question? (a) They wished to be instructed about the Sabbath; (b) they wanted to accuse Him of breaking the Law; or (c) they were healing, too.

1. (c) "Stretch out your hand" (Matt. 12:13).
2. (a) A man with a withered hand (Matt. 12:11, 12).  The comparison had to do with Sabbath observance. The  Pharisees said that a man could aid  an endangered sheep on the Sabbath but not an infirm man.
3. (b) They wanted to accuse Him  of breaking the Law (Matt.12:10).

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