Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Gospels---People and Places

1. Fill in the blanks: Two of John the Baptist's disciples addressed Jesus as  "Rabbi", which means

2. "And the --------- became -------- and dwelt among us,..."

3. "I saw the -------- descending from heaven like a --------, and He remained upon Him."

1. Teacher (John 1:38). This form of address revealed that Andrew and Peter sensed a shift in their discipleship from John to Jesus.
2. "Word...flesh" (John 1:14). This is one of the key statements in the  New Testament
about the incarnation of the second Person of the Trinity.
3. "Spirit...dove" (John 1:32). This was the testimony of John the Baptist concerning the baptism of Jesus.


  1. Hi Patsy, We have had a rainy, cool Jan. 1. Hope you both are feeling well and warm and cozy indoors. Love, Mildred

  2. I did really good today, I am so thankful for the "Word", and that He did come and dwell here on earth.

  3. We have been cozy and warm indoors. All of our snow is not gone yet.

  4. Me too Sue, the Word is so important to us in these troubling times we are living in.
