Monday, December 3, 2012

Gospels-People and Places

1. Multiple choice: What did Peter ask Jesus to do to prove that it was He  who was walking on the water and not a ghost? (a) Command him to walk on the water; (b) eat a broiled fish; or (c) turn the water into wine.

2. True or false? The woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit identified as a Canaanite. a Greek, and a Syro- Phoenician.

3. Multiple choice: To whom did Jesus say that He  would give the keys of the kingdom of heaven?
(a) Philip; (b) John; or (c) Peter.

1. (a) Command him to walk on the water (Matt. 14:28).
2. True (Matt. 15:22; Mark7:26). Matthew and Mark want to make it very clear that this woman of great faith was a Gentile who would have been despised by proud Jews.
3. (c) Peter (Matt. 16:18,19). This  promise of Jesus was based on Peter's confession of faith in Him as the Christ, the Son of the living God (v. 16).

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