Friday, December 21, 2012

Gospels---People and Places

1. Question: Whom did Jesus call "Sons of Thunder"?

2. The scribes accused Jesus of casting out demons by the ruler of the demons, Who is the ruler of the demons?

3. Jesus  said that blasphemy against  someone was an unforgivable sin. Who was that person?

1. James and John (Mark 3:17). Their worst outbreak of rage was during an incident at a
Samaritan village when they wanted to call down fire from heaven to destroy it and its
inhabitants (Luke 9:51-54).
2. Beelzebub (Mark 3:22).
3. The Holy Spirit (Mark 3:29 ).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patsy, We woke to 32 degrees and the wind howled all night! It took the covers off of our outdoor furniture and blew them around our fenced in back yard. It is calmer tonight.
    Hope you both are staying warm. Blessings, Mildred
    p.s. did you see the blizzard photos that blogger Larry (L.D. in Iowa) posted today??
