Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gospels--People and Places

1. Multiple choice: What did a woman do to Jesus at the house of Simon the leper in Bethany?
(a) Anoint Him with costly oil; (b) touch the hem of His garment; or (c) ask for crumbs from the table.

2. True or false? Judas Iscariot asked the chief priests how much they would give him for delivering Jesus to them.

3. Question:Who did Jesus predict would deny Him three times?

1. (a) Anoint Him with costly oil (Matt. 26:7).Jesus interpreted her behavior as preparation for His  burial (v.12).
2. True (Matt. 26:15). The betrayal was initiated by Judas rather than by the chief priests (v.14).
3. Peter (Matt.) 26:34).

1 comment:

  1. Good Evening, Patsy. I did well on today's questions. We had almost 1 1/2 inches of rain over the weekend. Today it is much colder. I hope you and Bennie have a good evening. Love, Mildred
