Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Familiar Phrases

1. Fill in the blanks: Zechariah wrote, "So I took the -------- pieces of  ------- and threw them into the house of the Lord for the potter"

2. Zechariah predicted, "Then they will -------- on Me  whom they have --------."

3. Sentence Completion: Jesus later quoted Zechariah who said, "Strike the Shepherd, And ....."

1. "Thirty ...silver" (Zech. 11:13). Zechariah performed this symbolic act, which predicted the remorseful attempt of Judas to rid himself of the price of his betrayal of Jesus (Matt. 27:3-10).
2. "Look....pierced" (Zech.12:10). The apostle John marshaled this as one of the prophecies fulfilled by the crucifixion of Jesus (John 19:37).
3."The sheep will be scattered" (Zech. 13:7; Matt.26:31; Mark 14:27).

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