Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Familiar Phrases

By The Garden of Tomb

1. Fill in the blanks: God instructed  Jeremiah that His people had committed two evils: "They have  ---------  Me, the fountain of   -------- waters, And hewn themselves   ----------  broken  -------- that can hold no water."
2. Sentence completion: One of the charges Jeremiah brought against Jerusalem was that everyone from the priest to the prophet lied. "They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, Saying,......".
3. Fill in the blanks: Jeremiah said that those accustomed to doing evil are as likely to do good as the leopard is to change his  --------- or the Ethiopian his  ---------.
1. ""Forsaken.....living....cisterns....cisterns" (Jer. 2:13).
2. Peace, peace!" When there is no peace". (Jer. 6:14).
3. Spots....skin (Jer. 13:23).

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