Monday, August 6, 2012


1.Fill in the blank: Because Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar's gold image, he furiously commanded that the furnace they were to be thrown into be heated -------  times hotter then usual.

2. After Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed -Nego emerged safely from the fiery furnace, Nebuchadnezzar praised their God, "because there is no other God  who can -------  like this."

3.Multiple choice: The gold and silver vessels from which Belshazzar and his court used to drank came from: (a) The Jews in captivity; (b) the image Nebuchadnezzar had made; or (c) the temple in Jerusalem.

1. Seven  (Dan 3:19). The furnace reached such great heat that the men who threw the three Hebrews into the furnace were overcome by the heat and killed when they got close enough to do their task

2. "Deliver" (Dan. 3:29 ).

3.(c)  The temple in Jerusalem. (Dan. 5:2).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Patsy, 2 right answers for me, today.
