Thursday, August 2, 2012



1. Multiple choice: According to Ezekiel, whose sons were the priests who will officiate in the new temple? (a) Zedekiah's ; (b) Zadok's; or (a) Zechariah's

2. Fill in the blanks: The name of the new city Ezekiel saw from the mountain in Israel was " --------
---------  --------- ----------." 

3. The three gates on each side of the new city Ezekiel saw were named for the
 -------- of Israel.

1. (b) Zadok's (Ezek. 40:46)

2. "THE LORD IS THERE" (Ezek.48:35).

3. Tribes Ezek. 48:31-34).  Unlike other Old Testament tribal arrangements, Levi was given a place,
and Manasseh and Ephraim were combined under Joseph's name (cf. Num. 2).

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