Tuesday, July 24, 2012


1.Multiple choice: Ezekiel reminded Israel that the Lord  had given them (a) His tabernacle; (b) the sacrificial system; or (c) His  Sabbaths in the wilderness as a sign "that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them."

2. What instrument of God's destruction was " sharpened and also polished!"-- --to make a dreadful slaughter" in Jerusalem by the king of Babylon? (a) A sword; (b) a rapier; or (c) a torch.

3. Who in Jerusalem did Ezekiel say were guilty of not distinguishing between holy and unholy, not making known the difference between clean and unclean, and having hidden their eyes from God's  Sabbaths? (a) The priests; (b) the prophets; or (c) the prophetesses.

1. (c) His Sabbaths (Ezek. 20:12). Both Moses and Ezekiel connect Sabbath observance and God's deliverance of Israel from Egypt (cf. Deut. 5:12 Ezek. 20:10--12).

2. (a) A sword (Ezek. 21:9, 10 ). Ezekiel identified the sword that Babylon would wield against Israel as the Lord's sword (v 3).

3. (a) The priests (Ezek. 22: 26).

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