Monday, July 9, 2012


1. Multiple choice: Which king of Judah sent Pashhur, the priest, to Jeremiah to find out what could be done to stop Nebuchadnezzar from attacking? (a) Josiah; (b) Zedekiah; or (c) Hezekiah.

2. Question: How long did Jeremiah say the Jews would serve the king of Babylon?

3. True or false? Hilkiah the prophet took the yoke off Jeremiah's back and broke it.

1. (b) Zedekiah (Jer.21:1,2).

2. Seventy years (Jer. 25:11). Both Daniel and Ezra would find encouragement and instruction from this portion of Jeremiah's prophecy Dan. 9:2; Ezra 1:1).

3. False. Hananiah did (Jer. 28:10). Hananiah was a false prophet trying to encourage a spirited defense against the Babylonians by predicting victory for the Jews (v. 15).

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