Tuesday, July 3, 2012


1. Multiple choice: Because Jeremiah prophesied in the name of the Lord, the men of what city conspired to kill him? (a) Jerusalem; (b) Tekoa; (c) Anathoth.

2. What phrase does Jeremiah use repeatedly to describe Israel's disobedient behavior? (a)"Everyone walked in the imagination of his evil heart"; (b) "reprobate and reprehensible";or (c) "evil and vile-hearted."

3. God told Jeremiah to hide the sash in a rock at what place that was a symbol of captivity and exile to His people? (a) Jericho; (b) Assyria; or (c) the Euphrates.
1. (c) Anathoth (Jer. 11:21). Jeremiah was from Anathoth which was a city for the priests in the land of  Benjamin (1:1).

2. (a) "Everyone walked in the imagination of his evil heart" (Jer.7:24;11:8)

3. (c) The  Euphrates (Jer. 13:4).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Patsy, I got all three today!
