Saturday, May 19, 2012


1. Multiple choice: Ezekiel pronounced God's judgment against Edom because they tried to possess Israel and Judah. He addressed God's judgment to : (a) Mount Seir; (b) Mount Nebo ; or (c) Mount Horeb.

2. Whom did God tell Ezekiel the dry bones represented? (a) Those slain in Jerusalem; (b) those slain in the gentile nations; or (c) the whole house of Isael.

3. Fill in the blank: God told Ezekiel to prophesy to His people in the valley of the dry bones, I will open your --------- and cause you to come up --- and bring you into the land of Israel."

1. (a) Mount Seir (Ezek. 35:15). Mount Seir was the main mountain of Edom and could represent the whole nation, as Judah.

2. (c) The whole house of Israel (Ezek. 37:11 ).

3. "Graves" (Ezek. 37:12 ). The graves of Israel were the gentile nations where they had been scattered.

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