Saturday, March 3, 2012


1.  Multiple choice: What psalm is attributed to David following his sin with Bathshebe? (a) Psalm 119; (b) Psalm 32; or (c) Psalm 51.

2. As David is confessing his sin and asking for cleansing in Psalm 51, he pleads with God not to take something away from him. What does he not want to lose? (a) His peace; (b) his salvation; or (c) the Holy Spirit.

3. Psalm 53:3 reads, "Every one of them has turned aside; They have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, No not one." In what  New Testament book is this verse quoted? (a) Matthew; (b) Romans; or (c) Hebrews.

1. (c) Psalm51 (Title). The titles or superscriptions of the psalms give valuable information in understanding a given psalm in its historical setting. There is strong evidence for their historical accuracy.

2. (c) The Holy Spirit (Ps. 51:11 )

3 (b) Romans (Rom. 3:12). Paul uses this verse in his argument that no one is able to be accepted  by God on the basis of works.

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