Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wisdom and Instruction

1.  Question : Psalm 100 tells us how we are to approach the Lord. Four different words are used to express the attitude we should have. Name one of the four.

Gladness, singing ,thanksgiving, praise (Psalm 100: 2,4 )

2. Multiple choice: According to Psalm 101, whoever does what to his neighbor will be destroyed  by God? (a) Slanders; (b) robs; or (c) hates.

(a) Slanders (Psalm 101:5 )

3.  In contrasting the changelessness of God with the aging  of  His creation, the psalmist  states that the heavens will grow old like a garment and that God will change them like a what? (a)Tunic; (b) cloak; or (c) robe.

(b) Cloak (Psalm 102 : 26 ) Here is a foreshadowing of the new heaven and new earth described in Revelation 21 and 22.

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