Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wisdom and Instruction

1.Question: According to Psalm 23, what shepherd's instruments does the Lord use to comfort those who are His ?

2. According to Psalm 23, when the Lord is your shepherd, where does He prepare a table for you ?

3. The Lord's abundance toward us as our shepherd is pictured in Psalm 23 as our cup doing what?
1. Rod and staff (Ps. 23:4 )
The rod was used to drive off enemies. The staff was used as an instrument of guidance and extracting the sheep from a difficult place.

2. In the presence of your enemies (Ps. 23:5 )
When the shepherd was present., the sheep could graze peacefully even if their natural enemies were lurking in the same area.

3. Our cup running over (Ps. 23:5 )
A cup being full means satisfaction because needs are fully met. The cup running over shows that God more then meets our needs.

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