Friday, November 18, 2011


1. Fill in the blanks: In Ecclesiastes, Solomon evaluated his quest for pleasure in this way, "Indeed all was -------- and grasping for the wind. There was no profit under the ------."

2. Sentence completion: In Ecclesiastes 3, Solomon wrote, "To everything there is a season,---"

3. Fill in the blanks: In Ecclesiastes, Solomon noted the yearning of man after God. He wrote, "He has made everything ------- in its time. Also He has put --------- in their hearts."
1. Vanity--- sun (Eccl. 2 : 11)

2. "A time for every purpose under heaven" (Eccl. 3: 1 )
This introduces the most famous poem of the book about every activity of life having its place in the balanced, but inscrutable plan of God.

3. Beautiful---eternity (Eccl.3 : 11 )

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