Tuesday, October 11, 2011


1. Fill in the blanks: "Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with--------; Come before His presence with --------."

2. "Know that the Lord, -------- --------- --------; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves."

3. "Enter into His gates with -------, And into His courts with -------.
Be thankful to Him, and bless-------- -------."
1. Gladness---singing (Ps. 100:1,2 )

2. He is God (Ps 100: 3 )

3. Thanksgiving----praise-----His name (Ps. 100: 4 )


  1. Patsy, I see you have a link to Thru the Bible. When Michael went to pick up John Thomas in CA, he was able to visit the Thru the Bible headquarters. They were so nice to him and gave him all kinds of things. He was able to stand behind Dr. McGee's pulpit!

  2. Wonderful,You will also see the Berachah Church. R.B.Thieme Jr's sister was married to the person that over saw Thru the Bible Radio.
    I owe my passion for the word of God from Dr.McGee and R.B. Thieme.
    R.B.Thieme III is there paster now but I still listen to Jr's tape's.
    Three right men of God.
