Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. True or False The daily grain offering of Aaron and his sons was to be one-fifth burned and the rest eaten.

2. Fill in the blanks: No one was to eat any--------or-------- from a sacrificed animal.1. False It was to be wholly burned ( Lev. 6: 23 )

2. Fat---blood (Lev. 7: 25,26 ) The fat belonged to the Lord as the best of the sacrifice, and the blood represented the life of the creature and was not to be consumed (3 : 16; 17 : 14 ).


  1. It is so interesting how the laws of the Old Testament were fulfilled by our Savior in the New Covenant. I would like to understand it more. Thanks for your Bible posts, Patsy, and thanks for visiting my blog. Bless you.

  2. Hi Patsy, Thanks for the questions/answers today. We had rain yesterday late and woke to much cooler temps this a.m. Hope you and Bennie have a good day.
