Monday, May 30, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. Fill in the blanks: 1. Concerning the commandments of God, Moses told the Israelites, " Talk of them when you -----in your house, when you-----by the way,when you lie down, and when you----- ------."2. The Israelites were to bind the commandments of God on their hands as a ------.
1. "Sit---walk---rise up" ( Deut. 6: 7 )

2. Sign (Deut. 6 : 8 ) This would remind them that it was God who was to control thier activities.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. Fill in the blanks : Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the --------of the -------your God."

2. "Hear, O Israel: The Lord----- ------, the Lord----- -----!:

3. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your ---,with all your -----, and with all your---."

1. "Sabbath------Lord" (Deut. 5 : 13-15)

2. " Our God----is one" (Deut. 6: 4 )

3. " Heart---soul---strength" ( Deut. 6 : 5 ).

Jesus called this the greatest commandment (Matt. 22 : 36,37 ),

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. Fill in the blanks: God promised the children of Gad, Reuben, and the half-tribe of Manasseh the land of --------,east of the Jordan, if they would help the rest of the

Israelites possess the land of Canaan.
2. Moses told the Israelites just before they entered Canaan, "The Lord Himself is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath: there is -------- --------".
1. Gilead ( Num. 32:29, 33)

2. "No other" (Deut. 4: 39.)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. True or False? There was no acceptable offering for intentional sin.

2. Fill in the blanks: God told Aaron, "I have given the children of Levi all the -------in Israel as an inheritance in return for the work which they perform, the work of the tabernacle of meeting."
1. True (Num. 15:30,31 ).
One could only appeal to the mercy of God (cf. Ps. 51:1,16,17 ).

2. "Tithes" (Num. 18:21 ).
They had not received an inheritance of land as the other tribes had. Thy received forty-eight cities as dwellings, and the tithes as income (cf. Josh. 21 ).

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Law and Promise:

Multiple Choice: What was the drink offering that the Israelites were to bring before the Lord?

(a) Wine; (b) boiled water; or (c) spring water.
(a) Wine (Num. 15 : 10 )

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Law and Promise:

Fill in the blanks: 1. The only reason for not paying the set valuation for a person consecrated to the Lord was if one were too -------.

2. Because the Israelites rejected God's leading them into Canaan, they were sentenced to wander in the desert for forty years, one year for each---------the spies were in the land.1. Poor (Lev.27:8 )

2. Day (Num. 14: 34 )

During the forty years, all the people died who had rejected God's direction.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Law and Promise:

Multiple Choice: Which of the following would NOT result from the

Israelites disobeying God's commandments?

(a) Cities laid waste; (b) the land desolated; or (c) people wiped from the face of the earth.(c) People wiped from the face of the earth (Lev. 26:44 )

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Law and Promise:

Fill in the blanks 1. The weekly feast of the Lord which the Israelites

were to observe was the ------------.
2. The Year of Jubilee occurred every --------year, according to Jewish law.

1. Sabbath (Lev.23:2,3 )

2. Fiftieth (Lev. 25:10 )

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Law and Promise:

Multiple Choice: 1. Which feast served as a reminder of the Israelites tent- dwelling days following their deliverance from the Egyptians?

(a) The Feast of Tabernacles; (b) the Feast of Trumpets; or (c) Pentecost.

2. Which feast of the Lord began on the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight?
(a) The Passover; (b) Unleavened Bread; or (c) Pentecost.
1. (a) The Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:34, 42, 43 )
This is sometimes called the Feast of Booths because the Israelites constructed and lived in temporary structures during this week.

2. (a) The Passover (Lev. 23:5 )

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. True or False: The purpose of the laws of sanctification of the people was to set the Israelites apart from the peoples around them so that they would be holy to the Lord.

2. The high priest was forbidden to marry a divorced or defiled woman or a harlot, but he could marry a widow.
1. True (Lev. 20 : 26 )

2. False- He could only marry a virgin ( Lev. 21 : 14 )

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Laws and Promise:

Fill in the blank: A four- word reminder is repeated after many of the laws

that the Lord gave Moses and His people: "Therefore you shall observe all My statutes and all My judgments, and perform them: ---- ---- ---- ----.""I am the LORD" (Lev.. 19 :37 )

Monday, May 9, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. Multiple Choice: The priest had to take the blood of the trespass offering and put some of it three places on the man being cleansed of leprosy. Which of these was not one of those places?

(a) Tip of the right ear; (b) right knee; or (c) big toe of the right foot.
2. Of what were the holy garments of the high priest made?
(a) Wool; (b) linen; or (c) silk.1. (b) right knee (Lev. 14: 14 )

2. (b) Linen (Lev. 16.: 4 )

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Law and Promise:

Fill in the blank: God instructed Moses and Aaron concerning the man whose hair was gone, As for the man whose hair has fallen from his head, he is -------, but he is clean.Bald (Lev. 13: 40 )

This is not a statement of the obvious. It is a judgment that no disease has caused the hair to fall out, but only the process of time.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. Multiple Choice : Which of the following birds were the Israelites not prohibited to eat?

(a) The pigeon ; (b) short-eared owl; or (c) buzzard
2. True or False? The Hebrew dietary laws forbade eating locusts.1. (a) pigeon (Lev. 11: 13-19 )

2. False (Lev. 11:22 ) They could eat flying insects "which have jointed legs above their feet with which to leap on the earth" (v. 21 )

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. True or False: The children of Israel were allowed to eat all animals that were either cur-chewing or had cloven hooves.False : They had to have both characteristics not one or the other (Lev. 11:3,4 )

2. Multiple Choice: In the consecration for the priesthood, Aaron and his sons were to stay in the tabernacle for how many days? (a) Three; (b) ten; or (c) seven.(c) seven (Lev. 8: 33 )

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Law and Promise:

1. True or False The daily grain offering of Aaron and his sons was to be one-fifth burned and the rest eaten.

2. Fill in the blanks: No one was to eat any--------or-------- from a sacrificed animal.1. False It was to be wholly burned ( Lev. 6: 23 )

2. Fat---blood (Lev. 7: 25,26 ) The fat belonged to the Lord as the best of the sacrifice, and the blood represented the life of the creature and was not to be consumed (3 : 16; 17 : 14 ).

Monday, May 2, 2011

Law and Promise:

1.True or False: Burnt offering of live-stock could be either male or female, but peace offerings of live-stock had to be male.

2. Multiple Choice: If any ruler sinned unintentionally, what must he offer as a sin offering?

(a)a young bull; (b) a kid; or (c) a ram.1. False, burnt offerings had to be male; peace offerings could be male or female ( Lev. 1:3;3:1).

2. (b) A kid (Lev. 4: 22,23 ).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Law and Promise:

Fill in the blanks: All grain offerings, baked or unbaked, must have------- on them and be seasoned with --------.Oil

Frankincense added to the oil produced a pleasant aroma from the sacrifice. The salt was to remind the offerer of the covenant (v. 2, 13 ).