Sunday, April 17, 2011

History Law and Promise:

1. Multiple Choice: What did Abraham give Abimelech as a sign of the covenant between them?

(a) Seven female oxen; (b) seven ewe lambs; or (c) watering privileges at his well. 2. Fill in the blank: God promised Abraham that because he had obeyed concerning Isaac, "In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be ------, because you have obeyed My voice."1. (b) Seven ewe lambs (Gen. 21 :30 ) This covenant settled a dispute over water rights to a well which Abraham had prepared for his flocks and herds in the Philistine territory.

2. " Blessed" (Gen. 22 : 18 ) Paul identified the seed of Abraham as Christ, there by extending God's promise to Abraham to all who believe in Christ (Gal. 3 :16 -22 ).

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