Thursday, March 10, 2011

1. Multiple Choice: What was David doing when Samuel came to Bethlehem
to anoint him as king of Israel ?
(a) Writing psalms; (b) tending sheep; or (c) sharpening his sword.
2. What was Samuel doing when God told him that man looks at the outward appearance,
but God looks at the heart?
(a) Offering sacrifice; (b) choosing a successor to Saul as king; or (c) speaking to Saul.
1. (b) tending sheep (1Sam. 16: 11 )
The shepherd theme runs throughout Scripture. Even the leaders
of the church are to shepherd the flock of God.
2. (b) Choosing a successor to Saul as king (1Sam. 16: 1-7 ).

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo to go with the questions today. One right, one wrong. Have a great day.
