History---Events: Multiple Choice:
1. What feast did God establish to observe the day
He brought His people out of the land of Egypt?
(a) Feast of Unleavened Bread; (b) Feast of Purim; or (c) Feast of Tabernacles.
2. How long was the Israelite's sojourn in Egypt?
All leaven was to be removed from homes in preparation
for the Passover to represent the purification of Hebrew homes.
2. (c) 430 years (Ex. 12 : 41 ).
God had predicted to Abraham that his descendants would serve
strangers for four centuries (Gen. 15: 13 ).
for the Passover to represent the purification of Hebrew homes.
2. (c) 430 years (Ex. 12 : 41 ).
God had predicted to Abraham that his descendants would serve
strangers for four centuries (Gen. 15: 13 ).
They had me thinking but I did guess them correctly. Have a wonderful weekend.