Tuesday, January 11, 2011

People and Places: Multiple Choice:
What was the name of the only woman who reigned over the nation of Judah?
(a) Esther: (b) Jezebel; or (c) Athaliah.
(c) Athaliah (2Kings 11:1-3).
She was able to take power because her son Ahaziah had been killed while reigning over Judah. She attempted to kill all the living heirs, but failed in her plan.

Multiple Choice:
Who was the king of Israel when the nation was overthrown and taken captive by Assyria?

(a) Ahaz; (b) Hoshea; or (c) Jechoniah.The Assyria kingdom

(b) Hoshea (2 Kings 17:5,6 ).

Israel was taken captive by Assyria about one hundred fifty years before Judah was taken captive by Babylon (25:1).


  1. Didn't do so well with this Patsy, 0 %. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Patsy, Hope you and Bennie have enjoyed a good day. I did not do so well on today's questions.

  3. I guess I wasn't quite into it today Patsy. Got neither correct. Hope you all are staying warm.
