Monday, January 31, 2011

History---Events: Multiple Choice:
1. What did Pharaoh ask the midwives to do to newborn Hebrew babies?
(a) Spare the daughters and kill the sons; (b) spare the sons but kill the daughters;
or (c) cripple the feet of the sons.
2. What did Pharaoh order all his people to do when
the Hebrew midwives were ineffective at controlling the Hebrew male population?

(a) Kill every Hebrew male under the age of two;
(b) cast every son who is born into the river; or
(c) bring every newborn son to Pharaoh to be trained for the military.

1. (a) Spare the daughters and kill the sons ( Ex. 1 : 16 ).
This was to be a means of controlling the Hebrew population.

2. (b) Cast every son who is born into the river (Ex. 1: 22 ).

1 comment:

  1. I guess I got these right because I remember how horrible that must of been for the mothers. Take care sweetie.
