Friday, December 17, 2010

People : Question :
Who loved David even as he loved his on soul ?
Jonathan ( 1 Sam. 18 : 1 ).
He demonstrated his love for David by sealing a covenant with the gifts of his robe, armor , sword , bow, and belt (v. 4 ).
Fill in the blanks :

After a certain victory over the Philistines , the women of Israel sang as they danced and said , "-------- has slain his thousands, And ------- his ten thousands."
"Saul---David " ( 1 Sam. 18:7 ).

This reaction by the women of Israel incited Saul against David.


  1. As you all know I am learning each day I post this blog.
    I never pictured Jonathan as a much older person then David. Now I can see why he loved David so much as like a brother or son.

  2. Hi Patsy and thank you for today's questions and info. We finally have sunshine and warmer temps today. I picked up Chick-fil-A for lunch; I love their lemonade. Hope you and Bennie have a nice weekend. Take care.

  3. It is so great to turn our thoughts to God's word throughout the day and I'm always finding something new in in. Hope you have a great afternoon.

  4. Hi Patsy, it's nice to meet you. I like the theme of your blog. It is interesting and informative to read the Bible questions and answers. The pictures really make it even more interesting. I've always thought the relationship between David and Jonathan was very special.
    I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  5. I was introduced to you by Mildred. This is going to be fun. Thanks for doing it.
