Sunday, December 12, 2010

People: Multiple Choice:
Who grabbed the edge of Samuel's robe so he would not leave and it tore in his hand ?
(a) Saul ; (b) Eli ; or (c) Jesse.
(a) Saul ( 1 Sam. 15 : 27 ).
Multiple Choice :
Who "hacked Agag in to pieces before the Lord in Gilgal"?
(a) David ; (b) Samuel ; or (c) Joab .(b) Samuel ( 1 Sam. 15: 33 ),
obeying the Lord where Saul had failed. Agag was the king of the Amalekites.


  1. Hi Patsy, Thanks for today's questions and Bible verses.

    You should see Harriet stretched out on her warm blanket this afternoon!

    Take care and have a restful afternoon.

  2. Thank you for your post today Patsy! I really learn alot from reading them! Hope you've had a great weekend! Hard to believe that it's over already though..

